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Dubai Shopping Festival from Jan 28

DSF 2010 will begin on January 28 2010 and go on till February 28, similarly next year’s Dubai Summer Surprises 2010 will be held from June 17 to August 7.

The DSF Office has announced Dubai Shopping Festival dates as it presents a preview of DSF 2010 and it new promotion the “Definitely Dubai”  to a global audience at the World Travel Market 2009, which begins on November 9, and goes on till November 12 in London.

While The participation in WTM is part of DSF Office’s efforts in highlighting the upcoming and a landmark 15th edition of DSF, and to promote the festival as one among the world’s leading shopping and family entertainment events to a wider global audience. The DSF Office is participating under the auspices of the Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing department (DTCM).

The DSF Office delegation to London comprises of Laila Suhail, CEO of the DSF Office; Abdulla Amiri, Operations and Logistics Manager, and Tracey Shuttlewood, Senior Marketing Coordinator. While DSF 2010 is the main objective of the DSF Office’s participation, Dubai Summer Surprises, and the popular character ‘Modhesh’ will also feature prominently during the four-day event where visitors from around the world are expected to converge.

Laila Suhail, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Shopping Festival Office said, ‘World Travel Market 2009 is the ideal opportunity to showcase the 15th edition of Dubai Shopping Festival that will be a benchmark in the history of the festival. This edition is special in many ways and we are eager to embrace this challenge and highlight the fact that DSF is not just a festival but an event that the world looks forward to. Dubai is a rapidly developing city and DSF 2010 will reflect the changes witnessed by Dubai.’

Suhail also added that announcing dates for DSS 2010 would enable the DSF Office to cooperate with travel partners from around the world in showcasing Dubai as the region’s favoured summer destination.

A record breaking 49,963 travel industry professionals attended WTM 2008. World Travel Market is a business to business exhibition that was initiated to bring together the world’s various destinations on to one platform. The event provides a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade industry to meet, network, negotiate, conduct business and stay abreast with the latest developments in the travel industry.


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