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The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam, 2nd Edition

  • ISBN13: 9781592572724
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
An up-close and up-to-date look at an often misunderstood faith.

This completely revised and updated guide explores the tenets of the Qu’ran (a.k.a. Koran), examines the history of the religion and its relationship to Christianity and Judaism, and features an expanded section on the true story behind “jihad.” It explores Islamic views on war and terrorism, including the Muslim perspective on the tragic events of September 11, and the subsequent U.S. presence in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

• Excellent sales for the first edition
• Islam is the fastest growing religion in America, with more than six million devoted followers
• Features an expanded section on women in Islam, including their status within the Taliban, and the Islamic practice of Review
It may surprise readers to discover that Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, according to The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Islam. “However, even more eye-opening is the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America,” writes author Yahiya Emerick (How to Tell Others About Islam). Paradoxically, Islam is also one of the most misunderstood and maligned religions in North America. Fortunately, Emerick has written a viable antidote to the widespread confusion and ignorance. Using the Idiot’s Guide‘s formula of questions and answers, sidebars, and small, easy-to-digest essays, Emerick makes Islam accessible to anyone who is inclined to learn more about this influential religion. Readers have much to glean from this comprehensive and balanced guidebook–primarily that Islam is a prayerful, peace-loving religion that has been misused in the name of terror, just as Hitler and other extremists have misused Christianity throughout history. Emerick devotes an entire section to “Looking at Women in Islam,” in which readers can sort through even more misconceptions. The Idiot’s Guide title belies the integrity of the book, which is an important contribution for our times. –Gail Hudson

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam, 2nd Edition


  1. an intersting account about the nice factes of Islam
    that forgets to mention the more murderous and violent
    aspects of this popular religion. Wishful thinking…
    but unfortunately I still remember 9/11.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. This book was the most unbelievable piece of illogical and erroneous material that I have read. It was obviously written by someone that had a western influence and not a purely muslim or an eastern perspective. I thought the idiot referred to those that knew little about the subject, I didn’t realize that it was written by an “Idiot.” I have studied and read much on the subject of Islam as well as reading hadiths and the Koran and speaking with “real” Muslims; their message is much different than this book. I have read several other Idiot guides but in fields that I am not as studied, and so now I question how accuate those are?
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. I must have been a complete idiot for buying this book. Actually, if you want a very simplistic and sanitized view of Islam, this is a great book. I mean it. The first chapter or two might serve as a good introduction to the history of Islam. However, my feeling is that a book on any religion should look at both the light and dark aspects honestly, instead of assuming a defensive, hand-waving posture. I am much more interested to read the work of people like Irshad Manji, who are dedicated to this beautiful religion but are willing to discuss the good with the bad.
    Rating: 2 / 5

  4. While this book comes with the recommendationof Qasim Najor (Founding member, Islamic Foundation of North America) the items portrayed as belonging to Islamic belief are needlessly and often foolishly presented as a contradiction to Jewish or Christian beliefs. The author, Yahiya Emerick, should have first read an idiot’s` guide to Jewish and Christian beliefs before lining up his theological straw men. It was needlessly polemical as if Islamic beliefs could not make religious sense on their own. Islamism need not be presented so “apologetically”. I rated it with two points for the clarity of its brief definitions.
    Rating: 2 / 5


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