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Arab Labor: The Complete First Season


ARAB LABOR is a raucous and irreverent critically acclaimed comedy series from Israel about Amjad, a Palestinian journalist and Israeli citizen in search of his identity. His personal quest for status and success as a journalist at a Jerusalem newspaper is foiled by the humiliating searches he endures everyday when he leaves his Palestinian neighborhood to commute to his job. In the midst of a walloping identity crisis, Amjad jockeys between two cultures as he tries to polish his image for his Jewish friends and colleagues while enjoying his own down-to-earth family life.

Arab Labor: The Complete First Season


  1. I really enjoyed this sitcom and am eagerly awaiting the second season. It is in both Hebrew and Arabic language with English sub captions.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. Cutting social commentary done in a humorous way. Should be required viewing for all potential suicide bombers and ultra orthodox settlers.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. I happened to glance at Link TV one day, and this series happened to be on at the time.

    Since Hebrew is my mother tongue, I had to watch.

    The plot is about the trials and tribulations of Amjad, a journalist of Arab Israeli descent. The show’s language is mainly Hebrew with Arabic and English interspersed throughout. In Israel the title Arab Labor, is akin to shoddy labor. It was/is used as a denigrating phrase for Arab capability.

    The show is funny and full of heart. Amjad is torn between the respect he owes to his scheming father, and his modern secular upbringing, which bring him closer in spirit to the modern secular Israelis.However since he is an Arab, he does encounter bias in every turn. How his problems are handled, is the main crux of the plot, and they are handled with love and a great sense of humor.

    I highly recommend this DVD to one and all.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. “Seinfeld” was supposed to be a show about nothing – no hugs at the end, no lessons learned – just straight up human frailties. “Arab Labor” borrows that aspect of “Seinfeld” and marries it to “All in the Family” and then ships the whole thing over to Israel. It works completely.

    When I say “Arab Labor” on LinkTV, I fell out of my chair laughing. I have been waiting for season one and now I shall have it! This is, far and away, one of the greatest sitcoms ever made. It’s irreverent, yet playful. True, you need to know some history here and there to get some of the jokes, but it’s very accessible comedy – if you don’t mind reading along. I’ll admit my Hebrew and Arabic aren’t up to snuff, but the jokes do translate well enough for me to fall in love with them.

    If you have no sense of humor, don’t buy this. If you love it when sacred cows become hamburger, then this product is both kosher and halal.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. I caught this series when a marathon of it aired on LINK TV. The characters are all great and each episode is genuinely funny. It is the story of an Arab family living in Israel. Controversial subjects like rascism and religion are somehow handled with humor and humanity. I Highly recommend watching.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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