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Dubai Books

Living in the Shade of Islam: A Comprehensive Reference of Theory and Practice

Product Description

Refuting the numerous misconceptions about Islam, this guide reveals the underlying essence of the beliefs and rituals of the Islam faith.

Living in the Shade of Islam: A Comprehensive Reference of Theory and Practice


  1. This book seeks to present Islam`s true face and make it known in a summarized form with most of its aspects.

    Islam, which literally means peace, submission, and obedience, is the religion of the whole universe. The universe is orderly, a cosmos whose parts are linked together and work together for the same purpose and goal. This book seeks to present Islam`s true face and make it known in a summarized form with most of its aspects: Islam`s essentials of faith, principles and ways of worshipping God, morality, and rules ordering human life and relations between people.

    Rating: 5 / 5


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