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Terror of four Brits in Dubai death cells

FOUR Brits held in the Dubai cells where tourist Lee Brown was battered to
death feared for their own lives last night.

They were too terrified to speak openly when embassy officials visited them.

The envoys wanted to check on the condition of the four – and ask them how
Lee, 39, was beaten for two days before being left to die alone in his cell.

But one inmate – interviewed with cops in the room – told The Sun on a
smuggled mobile: “I was too intimidated to speak.

“We all saw what happened to Lee and are scared we will end up the same way.”

Cells horror... Bur Dubai police station

Embassy staff had demanded to see the Brits as Lee’s mum Doris, 67, said: “How
could they do this to my son? Part of me has died with him. If anybody
didn’t deserve that kind of treatment it was him. He never harmed anyone.”

The diplomats were shown into a room at the Bur Dubai police station where
the Brits were brought in one at a time.

Guards allowed only 15 minutes for each interview and hovered to eavesdrop on
what was said.

The officials went in after the Brits begged The Sun to get them Foreign
Office help.

They told how Lee was stripped and handcuffed before being pulverised by cops
using their feet, fists and batons.

One prisoner said last night: “The embassy staff asked me if there was
anything I wanted to say.

“We were asked to give witness statements in front of the guards. How could we
talk when we all fear retribution?

“They were listening to our every word. We have seen what they are capable of

“I told the officials if they wanted to know what happened they would have to
take me somewhere safe. There are no human rights in here. We are at their

Dubai officials said Lee, of Dagenham, Essex, died from a “leakage of fluid
into the breathing system” – meaning he choked on his own vomit.

Maintenance man Lee, who was single, was held after a row with a chambermaid
at the world-famous Burj Al Arab hotel hours after arriving in Dubai.

It is thought cops beat him when he objected to being put in solitary

The Foreign Office said Dubai police promise they are investigating.

A source said: “We are trying to arrange private interviews with the British

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