Dubai Travel News

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Liwa To Protect wild plants

LIWA, 15th August, 2019 — The Liwa City Services Division launched a range of initiatives to protect wild plants in the desert and promote cultivation of the rare desert plants found in Liwa.

The initiatives included the establishment of a wild plant nursery in Liwa, on an area of 313,960-square metres. The first phase of the nursery covers an area of 900-square metres and hundreds of thousands of wild plants will be cultivated at the nursery, which supplies official and non-official authorities and individuals.

The nursery cultivates over 20 species of wild plants, such as arta, thamam, ghadeh, marsh, tribe, hala, hanga and ghaf. It also collects and classifies seeds.

The division, represented by the region’s planning, community relations, parks and entertainment facilities administration, recently implemented numerous initiatives, including the distribution of 1,000 ghaf seedlings during the Liwa Dates Festival, to encourage local people to cultivate indigenous plants.


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