Dubai Travel News

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Products made of endangered animals to be displayed to create awareness

Dubai, Jan 27th, 2009 (WAM): As part of its recently launched campaign in coincidence with world efforts to curb illegitimate trade in endangered animals, Dubai Customs is taking part, in collaboration with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Dubai Municipality, in the ‘Think Twice’ campaign.

The campaign was launched Thursday 15th January at the Global Village to mark the day, which World Customs Organization designated for consolidating efforts and tightening measures to curb smuggling of rare species of animals and plants.

A tent set to continue until 22nd February 2009 has been erected where collection of stuffed endangered animals recently seized by Dubai Customs at different Dubai’s points of entry in 2008.

The exhibits include a number of endangered animals manufactured products like fur and ivory as well as a documentary film to be displayed with the aim of raising awareness among the public about the importance of preserving wildlife and protect it from poaching endangering ecological balance.

Dubai Customs has distributed brochures to the public and Global Village visitors listing the most important endangered species, ways to protect them and how the public can contribute to meet such noble objective by abstaining from buying endangered animals manufactured products like leather, fur, accessories etc in a way that limits traders trend towards importing such products and offering them for sale.

The tent includes a corner for painting and colorings where a number of simplified models for endangered animals are available to children; a move that might raise awareness among new generations about the importance of preserving natural legacy without disturbing the ecological balance.

Mr. Abdul Rahman Al Saleh, Senior Executive Director of Corporate Affairs at Dubai Customs has expressed his gratitude to the Global Village Administration for designating a free of charge area for erecting a tent “reflecting the continuous and effective cooperation between public and private sectors in meeting general objectives including but not limited to; raising awareness on the subject issue and contributing to the current efforts curbing trade in rare wildlife species”.

Wildlife trade is the third of its kind in terms of volume amounting billion of dollars after the illegitimate trade in narcotics and arms. Such trade is featured by diversity that range from animals and plants to manufactured products thereof including food and leather products, musical instruments, tourism antiquities and medicines.

Wild Life in UAE


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