Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE


Dubai Books

UAE: Expansion plans under consideration could involve renewal of production equipment and construction of 450,000 ton per year aluminum smelter, DUBAI … Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East, published by Worldwide Projects, Inc. on January 1, 2002. The length of the article is 1069 words. The page length shown above is based…

Dubai Books

UAE: Construction start-up on proposed $2,180,000,000 train network is tentatively scheduled to begin some time during the year 2004, DUBAI MUNICIPALITY … Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East, published by Worldwide Projects, Inc. on November 1, 2003. The length of the article is 1596 words. The page length shown above is based…

Dubai Books

UAE: Construction start-up on proposed $2,180,000,000 train network is tentatively scheduled to begin some time during the year 2004, DUBAI MUNICIPALITY … Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East, published by Worldwide Projects, Inc. on November 1, 2003. The length of the article is 1596 words. The page length shown above is based…

Dubai Books

UAE: Construction plans for proposed $27,000,000 float glass plant, DUBAI INVESTMENTS CO. – Order #: 034103.: An article from: WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East, published by Thomson Gale on March 1, 2003. The length of the article is 1203 words. The page length shown above is based on…

Dubai Books

UAE: Construction plans for proposed $27,000,000 float glass plant, DUBAI INVESTMENTS CO. – Order #: 034103.: An article from: WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Business Opportunities in Africa & the Middle East, published by Thomson Gale on March 1, 2003. The length of the article is 1203 words. The page length shown above is based on…

Dubai Books

UAE: Construction plans for proposed $1,140,000,000 port expansion project, DUBAI PORTS AUTHORITY – Order #: 033803.: An article from: WWP-Report … & Plant Operations in the Developing World

Product DescriptionThis digital document is an article from WWP-Report on Engineering Construct & Plant Operations in the Developing World, published by Worldwide Projects, Inc. on March 1, 2003. The length of the article is 1406 words. The page length shown…

Calllaway golf clubs.