Dubai Travel News

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Dubai Books

The Arab Lobby and US Foreign Policy

Product Description The US foreign policy stance on Israel-Palestine has shifted considerably in recent years, from a position of “Israel only” to one which embraces both Israel and Palestine in a call for peace. This volume assesses why the US…

Dubai Books

Inter-Arab Alliances: Regime Security and Jordanian Foreign Policy

Product Description The topic of international relations in the Arab world is as complex as it is important. Ryan gives the reader the theoretical background, and shows its direct applicability through the foreign policy of Jordan.  Inter-Arab Alliances: Regime Security…

Dubai Books

The Arab Lobby and US Foreign Policy: The Two-State Solution

Product Description The US foreign policy stance on Israel-Palestine has shifted considerably in recent years, from a position of “Israel only” to one which embraces both Israel and Palestine in a call for peace. This volume assesses why the US…

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