Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE


Dubai Books

Cairo House

Product DescriptionA work that depicts the glamourous Egypt of the pashas and King Farouk, the police state of the colonels who seized power in 1952, the post-Sadat years and the rise of fundamentalism. It is a study of family and…

Dubai Books

iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam

ISBN13: 9780807859667 Condition: NEW Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark. Product DescriptionExploring the increasing impact of the Internet on Muslims around the world, this book sheds new light on the nature of contemporary Islamic discourse, identity, and community….

Dubai Books

Gates of Dubai

Product DescriptionDubai is a new city built by a shiek in the Emirates in Saudi Arabia. All his people are given a house. This house is surrounded by a wall, and entered by a beautiful iron gate. There are 34…

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