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The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict, 7th Edition

  • ISBN13: 9780143113799
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
An essential resource—completely revised and updated for the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of Israel

In print for forty years , The Israel-Arab Reader is a thorough and up-to-date guide to the continuing crisis in the Middle East. It covers the full spectrum of the Israel-Arab conflict—including a new chapter recounting the Gaza withdrawal, the Hamas election victory, and the Lebanon-Israel War. Featuring a new introduction that provides an … More >>

The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict, 7th Edition


  1. This seems to be a comprehensive account of what’s gone on with the Jews, the Palestinians and the rest of the players. It is done with no narrative, or very little, using actual documents from the interested parties. So you can read govenment docs, League of Nation’s docs, speeches, organizational charters, interviews, policy statements etc and a lot of it is quite eye opening. However, the fact that there are no maps is a major oversight. Some of us are not intimately familiar with that region or the intricate permutations that have occurred over time. To have maps of the evolution of the divisions of the land would have been enlightening and I think really necessary.
    Rating: 3 / 5

  2. This book presents an excellent overview of the major documents which shaped the Mideast conflict. It is an invaluable resource for anyone who likes to sift facts from fancy and should be consulted by whoever plans to write on this exceedingly difficult problem the First World War has left in its wake. The book should also be consulted by every journalist and media pundit. To expect that our politicians will do so is probably too much to hope for, although they would sorely need it.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. What else can be said about a book that contains every UN and League of Nations document about the Israel-Palestine conflict? It is a necessity as a reference for those engaged and a great book to learn about the conflict and its basic political evolution.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. I write in relation to the sixth revised and updated version of this work. My purchase was based upon the recommendations of others here and I was certainly not disappointed with my acquisition of this book.

    It really is a priceless reference and guide to the way in which the Middle East has taken shape and how the whole Arab-Israeli issue has developed since it’s inception. Indeed, references are quoted with effect from 1882 through until the present day.

    We are treated to a seemingly endless accurate list of letters, speeches, reports and articles from a considerable cross section of sources, both in the international arena and in the region itself. This latest version even contains sections on the Camp David negotiations and their subsequent failure in 2000/2001.

    One is able to see from the direct quotes of the parties concerned, exactly what was said, and moreover in it’s true context, making this an indisputably essential asset to understanding the conflicts and `peace-making’ in the region. This level of understanding is made accessible not only to the Camp David talks but also to virtually every other episode of significance relative to this ongoing issue throughout the many decades.

    A highly recommended read.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. This is a tremendous resource for everyone interested in the Israel-Arab relationship. Nowhere else have so many primary documents been collected into one volume, complete with maps, to better understand the context of current events in the Middle East. Hardly a week goes by that I do not refer to something in this collection to explain the historical context of a topic in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations or to support a position on a given issue of the peace process.

    The only problem is that the documents collected in this volume are current only up to the mid-1990s. Another volume is needed soon because so much is happening in relation to the Middle East peace process.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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