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Lawrence and the Arab Revolts 1914-18

Lawrence of ArabiaThe Great War of 1914-18 is often seen as one major battleground – the Western Front – with numerous ‘side-shows’. The other battle zones were not side-shows to those involved, however, although the local inhabitants often fought for motives which remained a closed book to their European allies or foes. David Nicolle relates the story of the Arab revolts, and discusses just how important (or unimportant) was the role of T. E. Lawrence in the affair, in a fascinating text backed by a fine collection of contemporary photographs and eight full page colour plates by Richard Hook.

Lawrence and the Arab Revolts 1914-18



  1. The Osprey Men-At-Arms series has always been great at putting out short, specific booklets and this one is no exception. The book is full of facts from the wide scope of Nationalism in the African/Middle Eastern Islamic peoples and their desire to be rid of, or support the European/Ottoman Empires.

    The only place where the book falls short is in personality detail. There are numerious personalities mentioned of whom no details are given.

    Overall this book is excellent for the big picture in the Arab Revolts.
    Rating: 4 / 5


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