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Islam in the End Times

Product Description
Since the beginning of modern history, experts have been trying to predict when the end of the world will come. They have created terms such as the antiChrist, the 666 Mark of the Beast, End Times, and Rapture common in society, but they may have overlooked the most important ancient prophecy that ties Islam, todays current events, and the worlds response to the exact timing of the end times. In his shocking and revealing book, Islam in the End Times, Islamic relations expert and scholar Ellis Skolfield unlocks the key to understanding all the end time prophecies and Islams role in bringing them about. Ellis expertly maps ancient prophecies with current events to demonstrate that the current Islamic aggression against the world in general and Israel specifically relates to the exact year of the beginning of the end. Skolfield reveals the most shocking prophecy of all, the key to understanding all other end time prophesies. It is a mathematical number that provides the exact year of what is called the Abomination of Desolation — a cataclysmic event in the timeline of human history. In Islam in the End Times, Skolfield statistically documents where the world is in relationship to the end times, and what Islams role is now and in the future. Skolfield uses mathematics and ancient prophecies to demonstrate how Islam is involved in the prophecy called the Abomination of Desolation, the key to unlocking end time prophecies.

Islam in the End Times


  1. Book is written in Fantasy, no real research done. Absolutely trashy, no academic value. Avoid.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. For too long rationalist liberal “Biblical scholars” have tried to tell us fundamentalists that the Book of Revelation is all about the “Roman Empire”, and that “666” really means Nero and so on, and that we can’t possibly understand a symbolic text from 2,000 years ago without training in all kinds of pointy-headed “academic” things. Well, Bro Skolfield really puts them in their place! And those anthropologists too, who tell us that Muslims are just “people” with another way of life. Now we know they’re frogs and leopards, so all those people whineing about bombing so-called people in places like “Iraq” can just shut up!

    Bro Skolfield don’t know anything about those kinds of things, such is his holy contempt for worldly knowledge. He’s proud to be ignorant of Biblical “skoolership”, to hate people he’s never met, and so am I! Just cos people like Bro Skolfield were wrong about the USSR and Y2K and Henry Kissinger doesn’t mean they’re not right this time!

    God bless us!
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. The book I recieved was not the book that I had purchased! The Book I was sent was written by another author….therefore…..wrong book!!!!
    Rating: 1 / 5

  4. This author is absolutely incredible. I believe it was in 1979 I read “The False Prophet” or was it the “Hidden Beast”? Not sure which I had read first, but I assure you which ever one it was it utterly astounded me! One must consider, back then his book came against all the “experts” But it was completely amazing and I was excited and in a state of shock about what I had learned. I immediately purchased his second book, and his third which was “Hidden Beast2”, which is basically the same as the original “Hidden Beast” with a little added information, and lastly “Islam in the End Times”. Skolfield exposed the profound Islam connection back in 1979. Only now are other authors catching up with him. I cannot praise Ellis Skolfield enough. His first book published in 1979 is relevant today. It is interesting that he prices his books to make them affordable. There is so much nonsense out there, and at high prices. Skolfield is extremely informative, and way ahead of his time. Rather, it appears, the Holy Spirit guided him early on, very early on.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. The False Prophet has been no less than a profound eyeopener into the prophetic Scriptures for me, making sense and leading to understanding as no other prophetic teachings I’ve looked into, have. It’s all lining up… As I continue search the Scriptures daily, and as I witness what is taking place in the Middle East and throughout the world, I see only further confirmation of the author’s words. I suggest this book for those with a love for the truth, and cannot underestimate the importance of a sincere and God led love for the truth, as deception continues to cast blinding shadows over many.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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