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Dubai Books

The Destiny of Islam in the End Times

  • ISBN13: 9780768425932
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
Faisal Malick knows how Muslims think, why they act, and what they feel. He was one of them until he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Understanding Ishmael and his descendants is the only way to realize their important role in bringing about peace in the Middle East, the West, the hearts of all humanity. The Destiny of Islam in the Endtime exposes the reality of: Muhammad, Ishmael’s direct descendant, the terrorism mentality, dreams, visions and Muslims. Muslims being the catalyst for Jews and Christians. Your thoughts about Muslims will be shaken to the core when reading this thought-provoking book written by a former Muslim. His knowledge of Islam will widen your perspective and enlarge your heart for all of God s people.

The Destiny of Islam in the End Times


  1. Obviously this is not any kind of useful geopolitical on Islam, but merely a rousing trumpet-call to bible thumpers.

    Its a shame some people have to see this genuine menace- “a tumor on mankind ” as I saw one blogger on Little Green Footballs neatly characterise it, – in virtually medieval crusade terms themselves. If you listen to a prattling deranged fool like Irans President talk about Armageddon, 12th Imams ,the upraising of the muslim dead, etc, what makes you God botherers think you sound much better.

    Give it a rest.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. Every Christian wanting to know how to share ytheir faith with a Muslim might need to read this book. A loving approach in these turbulent between major world faiths.
    Rating: 4 / 5

  3. This is an excellant book about a muslim that became a Christian. It tells about how God wants to reach out to the muslim world as well as the whole world. We need to pray for the muslim that they would turn to Christ.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. Faisal Malick has heard from Heaven about God’s plan for Muslims. Christianity will change its worldview of Islam!

    – Sid Roth

    Host, It’s Supernatural!
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. Faisal Malick has written a very important book that calls all followers of Christ to see the other side of the equation. Even as the day will come when “a nation will be born in one day” and the Jewish people will corporately embrace Jesus as Messiah, so also will they be severely chastised before this happens. There are two sides to this equation. So also will it be with the Muslim peoples. When Christ returns, he will literally slay the enemies of Israel (His enemies) and decimate their nations. Despite the most commonly accepted teaching, these will be not primarily be the Western European nations but rather the Muslims nations that surround Israel. Yet even among the Muslim people’s, a remnant will be saved. God’s heart is for the Muslim peoples as much as it was for you and me while we were yet blind and in rebellion. Yet by his grace we were called. Thank You Father. Faisal does an excellent job of calling believers to the higher place of God’s heavenly perspective. While not ignoring the fact that God will deal with the Muslim peoples, Faisal chooses instead to focus on the other side of the coin and calls us all into that essential place of intercession, where we look and act the most like our heavenly intercessor and Lord. Faisal also calls upon all believers to yield to the Holy Spirit’s activity in our ministries and lives as we lovingly reach out to Muslims. While I would say that some of Faisal’s claims (that a billion Muslims are about to come into the Kingdom) may come across as a bit televangelist hypey / pollyannaish, I simply see this as part of Faisal’s positive personality and calling and I am happy to forgive his sometimes over-the-top prophetic enthusiasms. And mind you, I would love to be proven wrong, but Scripturally speaking, I do not see a revival of this degree. Instead, like Israel, the Scriptures seems to point us to a remnant being saved. But even a remnant among 1.6 Billion would be substantial and would represent an unheard-of in history revival. So despite my limited cautionary criticisms, overall, I see this book as being a crucial counter-balance to much of the acidic atmosphere that exists today within the Church toward the Muslim community. Five stars.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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