Dubai Travel News

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HE Pricess Haya Says Israel Must Stop Atrocities in Gaza

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Wife of Dubai’s ruler HE Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, condemned Israel’s offensive on the Gaza Strip and called on Thursday for urgent humanitarian aid to Palestinian area.

Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein pleaded with the international community to halt the fighting and allow humanitarian workers in to deliver medicine and food.

HE Pricess Haya is the wife of Dubai’s ruler HH Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and daughter of Jordan’s late King Hussein, Haya is a vocal advocate of humanitarian causes around the world.

She called the almost two week long Israeli offensive to rout out Hamas group a “slaughter.” “This is a war that will scare our planet for generations to come,” Haya said in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press. “It’s a slaughter in its simplest form … a new open wound on the region. Violence on all sides has to stop.”

Since her marriage in 2004, Haya has taken an unusually public role in the Gulf The 34-year-old pricess speaks on public welfare and works on public projects in the United Arab Emirates and in Jordan.

She also chairs Dubai’s International Humanitarian City and is United Nation’s Messenger of Peace.

“I wish I could talk of peace,” Haya said. “But all I am able to ask for is survival for people facing death.”

“I know peace is possible, if there is political will,” Haya said.


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