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The Arab-Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East

  • ISBN13: 9781400079636
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description
Now in its third edition, this classic study has been updated for the first time in more than twenty years.

Chaim Herzog, former President of Israel, was involved in every conflict involving Israel and its Arab neighbors from before the 1948 War of Independence. The Arab-Israeli Wars is Herzog’s acclaimed history of Israel’s fight since 1947 to preserve her existence against repeated attacks. Revised after his death by friend and colleague General Shomo Gazit, this new edition also covers the events of the past twenty years, including the pullout from Lebanon, both intifadas, the first Gulf War, the Oslo Process, and beyond. Riveting, informative, and comprehensive, this authoritative account tells the story of Israel’s struggle to survive but gives a clear picture of the people and politics that continue to shape the destiny of this crucial region.

The Arab-Israeli Wars: War and Peace in the Middle East


  1. This book is a great example of how the victors can manipulate the facts to legitimize their gains. It tells you all these lengthy stories of infinitely heroic Jewish guys(!) driving cowardly, despicable Arabic invaders(!) from where they lived for 1400 years. How unfairly the Arabs insisted to keep living in spite of the fact that 3400 years ago some dude supposedly walked there… Classical zionist propaganda written to legitimize Israel`s legacy in the minds of innocent and utterly unaware Americans.
    Apart from the implicit assumptions of the author which sinisterly smells racism, the book simply fails to deliver any realistic objective handling of the facts of Arab-Israeli conflict. The story of Jewish neighbors begging their loved Arab neighbor to stay in 1948 or stories fairly massacring Arabic villages. Single-sided, overly subjective and almost never realistic…
    If you couple this book with New York Times articles about how barbaric it is for Palestinians to resist occupation, you can then have a glimpse of how tight a prehistoric tribalist movement grips American minds. Giving unaware unsuspecting american people a Star Wars story with loads of fancy Skywalkers, this book points to peaks of an ongoing disinformation campaign against the very basics of civilization and human dignity. I suggest you read Six Days of War by Michael B.Oren for a realistic account of 1967 war and Two O`Clock War for 1973.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. In what is an astonishing example of Orwellian double-speak, this book for some reason refers to the Zionist colonisation of Palestine as a “war of national liberation”. That’s right, Zionist settlers (largely European) were “liberating” the land from those who deludedly thought of themselves as its inhabitants. Imagine if you will the laughter that would greet, say, the Germans referring to their invasion of Poland as a “war of national liberation” etc. This book is full of such meaningless and purely propagandistic language which serves only to conceal the truth. Sad.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. The book is an excellant study of small war tactics through Israel’s occupation of Lebanon. While I don’t agree with the U.S. allied with Israel; this is still an outstanding overview of the way Israel fights its wars.

    Lt. Colonel Robert A. Lynn, Florida Guard
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. When the competitors are so well entrenched, more numerous in numbers, have so much wealth and have purposes, it is unbelievable to be able to overcome those situations and survive. Besides reading it as a history book, it may probably inspire you (like it did me) as a marketing book. Who says when faced with strong competitions, there is nothing but lose?
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. Mr Herzogs book is a winner. I have read it several times and find it informative. He explains in great detail each conflict and also gives us many details of the events that occurred between each conflict. I recommend this book to anyone interested in gaining a clear understanding of this part of the world.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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