Art Dubai To be Hed from 19th to 21st March
Dubai Art Dubai Festival will be held at from 19th March 2009 to 21st March 2009 Art Dubai has become a cornerstone of the Middle East’s booming contemporary art community. The 2009 fair will host nearly seventy leading international galleries…
معرض آرت دبي 2009 ينطلق الأسبوع المقبل
دبي في 10 مارس / وام / يشهد معرض آرت دبي 2009 في دورته الثالثة التي ستنطلق الاسبوع القادم في مدينة الجميرا مشاركة نحو 465 رساما و مبدعا ربعهم من الفنانين و المبدعين العرب و الأيرانيين ويتيح المعرض لزواره فرصة…
Royal Jet opens new brokerage in Dubai
WAM Abu Dhabi, March 08th, 2009 Royal Jet, the UAE based, international luxury executive flight services company, chaired by HE Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, has announced the opening of a new charter brokerage service to be called Royal…
Princess Haya to attend closing events of first Women Rugby World Cup Sevens
WAM Dubai, At a ceremony to be held in Dubai today under her patronage, HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Husain, wife of Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al…
Houbara population to be raised by raising 50000 birds – Sheikh Hamdan
Abu Dhabi, March 6th, 2009 (WAM): Deputy Prime Minister of UAE HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that the International Fund for Houbara Conservation is about to evolve a comprehensive global strategy for producing/raising over 50,000 houbara bustards…
محمد بن راشد يفتتح منتدى دبي الدولي للشعر
دبي في 4 مارس/ وام/ افتتح صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي رعاه الله فعاليات مهرجان دبي الدولي الاول للشعر الذي تنظمه مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم تحت رعاية…
Arab Stamp Exhibition at Wafi Mall from 5th March
Emirates Post will host the five days philatelic event to coincide with emposts centenary celebrations Postal organizations and philatelic associations from 20 Arab countries will take part in 2nd Arab Stamp Exhibition that is being hosted by Emirates Post and Emirates…
Sheikh Mansour opens archaeology conference
Abu Dhabi, 1st March 2009 (WAM) — H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Presidential Affairs, opened today the Second International Conference on UAE Archaeology and the 10th annual scientific forum of the History and Archaeology Society of…
Dubai International Film Festival announces 2009 DATES
WAM Dubai, Mar 01st, 2009 (WAM)–The Dubai International Film Festival, the foremost event in Dubai’s cultural calendar, today announced the dates for its sixth edition, to run from December 9 to 16, 2009. The fifth edition of the festival, which…
Ministerial Council passes .ae domain in Arabic
Abu Dhabi, 1st March 2009 (WAM) The Ministerial Council for Services passed today a proposal put forward by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) for registration of .ae domains in Arabic. The proposal is part of the TRA’s strategy to chalk…
New archaeological discovery in West of Abu Dhabi
ABU DHABI, Mar. 1st, 2009: An ancient stone cylinder seal dating back to the beginning of the Bronze Age, around 5,000 years ago, has been found in the deserts of the Al Gharbia area (Western Region) of Abu Dhabi, by…
رئيس الدولة يصدر قانوناً بإنشاء مركز خدمات المزارعين بإمارة أبوظبي
أبوظبي في 28 فبراير/وام / أصدر صاحب السمو الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة حفظه الله بصفته حاكما لامارة أبوظبي قانونا بإنشاء /مركز خدمات المزارعين /بإمارة أبوظبي وحدد القانون اهداف المركز..ومقره الرئيسي مدينة أبوظبي ..في تحقيق السياسة العامة…
Maria Nair to lecture in Abu Dhabi on March 4th
Abu Dhabi: Maria Niar Indian born American director, writer, and producer will be visiting Abu Dhabi on March 3 and 4 for a special 35mm print screening of her 1988 film “Salaam Bombay” at the Abu Dhabi’s Cultural Foundation and…
Foreign Ministry responds to US Statement Department Report 2008
Abu Dhabi, 26 Feb. 2009 (WAM) – The Foreign ministry issued a statement today in response to the US State Department human rights report 2008. In the statement, the Ministry said: The UAE presented a full picture of its human…
Cultural Aspects in Christian and Islamic Religions Book by UNESCO launched
February 4th 2009, UNESCO Beirut in cooperation with the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (NATCOM), launched the book “Cultural Aspects in Christian and Islamic Religions”, It is hoped that this book dedicated for the young generation, will improve mutual knowledge…