Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE


Abu Dhabi Events

A Diamond in the Desert: Behind the Scenes in Abu Dhabi, the World’s Richest City

Product DescriptionArabia in the 1960s – still a land of desert, nomadic tribes, falcons and gazelles. And Abu Dhabi, perched on the Gulf Coast, was a poor fishing community. Barely forty years on, it is the richest city on earth,…

Dubai Books

From The Desert To The Derby: Inside the Ruling Family of Dubai’s Billion-Dollar Quest to Win America’s Greatest Horse Race

Product DescriptionThis book covers the conflict between Skeikh Mohammed Rushed al Maktoum and the old-line Kentucky racing establishment. The book also brings to life some of the world’s most exquisite Thoroughbred racing facilities in the world, and a battle that…

Vice golf balls.