Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE

Dubai News

Dubai: The Amazing Development of Dubai

A pictorial view of the amazing development of Dubai. From desert, to oil, to resorts rivaling if not exceeding that of Disney, Dubai is home to the most innovative development in the world. When in Tampa, visit us at: http In Northern Virginia


  1. I visited duabi last week … this was amazing ….
    Lots of projekts are already done ….
    But the view from the burj Khalifa was epic …. i never seen so much land at once …

  2. much of this isnt actually built yet. and may not be because dubai is broke.
    It may recover, i think it will, but i think a lot of it will be put on hold and some may not ever get built.

  3. well .. this city was built on oil money .. and it is still now being built that way .. I hope they wont have trouble when people are gona stop using oil … cause it realy is a beautiful city ! :)

  4. they are poor the king of the country next to them had to spend billions to save dubai….they have no money……

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  6. heyy.i wouldn’t say that ”The Dark Side of Dubai ” stated by one guy over here is always true..yes these do dad is workin here for the past 23 yrs.. only recently we got a bit of a problem..those things in the story is just exhaggerated..

  7. @ChrisBarnesMetalGod Hey there! I just read the introduction and I. I understand you feel bad.
    People want to live expensive lives they can’t afford. It was their fault. They shouldn’t have confused and Arabian country by Canada or the USA. Dubai is amazing as long as you are vacationing and have tons of money. Mistakes have consequences. :( Sadly for everyone even if they’re sick…
    P.S: I’ll read the end at another time…

  8. @stefxx68urbana I believe you were replying to what I said and I just don’t get what your farm has to do with that whole thing. I should take that you are American, and if you feel that their oil should be yours, then your wrong. If you aren’t American, then why do you blame travelers on the climate change??? I just got lost. sorry,

    P.S: What fat asses are you talking about?? :)

  9. just 1 important thing, i work on a farm and grow corn, last year due to climate changes i lost half my crop, and the counterpart is low quality….just immagine that 1 fuel fill for a big air plane is my fuel consumption for a whole year producing food to feed 2000peoples , this year will be food only for 1 000 when half word will be pretty sure some poorest will run after those fat asses to kill them cook them and eat them with ketchup

  10. Right. Well, these people work very hard an make practically no money, and that really is unfortunate. If they didn’t have these jobs to begin with, they’d even be in a worse situation. Am I to blame for vacationing in a place where that happens?I tipped better than I do in America, and I treated people the best I could. I want to visit India and people also starve and work for cheap. Should I not go because of that? What’s your point? I already knew what you just said. I helped the economy grow

  11. una zona totalmente desertica se saca un inmenzo provecho, creando una nueva uptopia…mientras que otras zonas con mejor riqueza natural…simplemente no se les aprovecha en su totalidad, que busca el hombre con estos actos tan contradictorios??…

  12. @aupairdiary @KaiLuck fuck dubai they did it off the backs of the poor people in dubai who only hire desperate enslaved indians who work 4 pennys a month ,and off you and me at the gas pump $5 a gallon ,and they fund terrorism or else they would be knocked down,get my riff!!!

  13. @KaiLuck fuck dubai they did it off the backs of the poor people in dubai who only hire desperate enslaved indians who work 4 pennys a month ,and off you and me at the gas pump $5 a gallon ,and they fund terrorism or else they would be knocked down,get my riff!!!

  14. Aww, I was actually hoping for their success. I mean no matter the reason you gotta give it up for Dubai for creating such a wonderful looking place.


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