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Islam: The Straight Path Updated with New Epilogue, 3rd edition

Product Description
This updated version of Islam: The Straight Path includes a new Epilogue by John Esposito in which he addresses the impact 9/11 and its aftermath have had on both the Muslim and non-Muslim world, discussing Islam’s relationship to democracy and modernity and focusing more sharply on the origins and growth of extremism and terrorism in the name of Islam. This exceptionally successful survey text introduces the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its earliest origins up to its contemporary resurgence. Esposito, an internationally renowned expert on Islam, traces the development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics, discussing the formation of Islamic belief and practice and chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Lucidly written and expansive in scope, Islam: The Straight Path provides keen insight into one of the world’s least understood religions and is ideally suited for use in courses on Islam, comparative religions, and Middle Eastern history and culture.

Islam: The Straight Path Updated with New Epilogue, 3rd edition


  1. This man is on the payroll of Saudi Arabia and by Palestinian Business men who hate Jews and the West. He is the Middle East’s puppet. Beware of this mans writing. He is nothing but a shill for the Jihadis. You will find no truth here, only the fifth column. Georgetown University should be ashamed to have this man on staff.

    Rating: 1 / 5

  2. It took close to a month for me to finally receive this book. I needed it for class, however, it didn’t arrive until after my midterm. My advice, order from a different vendor even if it’s more expensive. I just want to add, this is my first time writing a negative review and I order plenty of products through Amazon. The fact that I’m expressing my frustration says a lot.
    Rating: 1 / 5

  3. Great book. I would recommend it for those who are interested in learnung about the history of Islam. It was extremly informative.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  4. This is a scholarly written introductory book to anyone like me who is curious about Islam. The book can be generally broken down into four parts. The first part talks about the history of Islam.

    The second part talks about the belief and practice of this religion. I think for the readers out there who is looking for an in-depth treatment of Islam as a religion, this book is not the right book but it should be a good starting point. At least certain concepts such as ‘jihad’ and veiling are discussed in detail.

    The third and final sections of the book talks about the evolution of Islam through time till present day. Some aspects are rather repetitive (for example, the characteristics of ulama has been mentioned several times), but overall, you get to know the differences between Sunni and Shii, what internal struggles Islam is (or has been) going through, as well as how and why Islam is so tightly integrated to politics and life.

    Overall this is a readable (although it can be slightly dry sometimes) and reliable book. My only criticism is that, in the chapters where the modern Islam countries are discussed, for some reasons unknown, countries like Iraq, Syria and Palestine have been completely left out. This is quite a big omission as these countries have huge impact in the Middle East (and evolution of Islam in general).
    Rating: 5 / 5

  5. This book is for everyone that wants to learn about Islam and its diversity. There is no bias tainting this work, just sound scholalry research.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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