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Dubai Books

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History

Product Description
Whether filtered through the news, the film industry, or the classroom, the Arab-Israeli conflict has become a pervasive–and often misinterpreted–subject on our contemporary cultural landscape. In this compelling text, David W. Lesch, a widely respected scholar and commentator on modern Middle Eastern politics, presents the most balanced and accessible account of the conflict to date. The Arab-Israeli Conflict puts forth a variety of perspectives–along with concise and informative analyses–to enable and encourage students to form their own educated opinions about complex and controversial issues.

Challenging yet not overwhelming, this appealingly slim volume focuses on key information, but also incorporates pedagogical features that help to enhance and expand students’ understanding of the subject:
* An extensive collection of relevant primary documents
* Sidebars highlighting social and cultural history
* A glossary of terms
* A chronology for quick reference
* Comprehensive illustrations, including 17 maps and 17 photos

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History


  1. This is a very informative work on the history of the conflict that is very easy to read. It is packed with primary documents that are helpful in understanding the evolution of the conflict. The author uses endnotes at the end of each chapter making it easy to check references. I would recommend this to anyone, from novice to expert, who is interested in the topic.
    Rating: 5 / 5


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