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Dubai Books

The Dar ul Islam Movement: An American Odyssey Revisited

Product Description
In the pages of this book, Dar ul Islam, an American Odyssey, discover the journey a young 16 year old African American high school student whose interests are music, race and religious philosophy as he becomes totally absorbed in his new found faith Islam. Follow his adventure into the largest American Muslim fundamentalist organization known as the Dar ul Islam Movement (1962-1983). See how the Dar, as it was known by its membership, began and organized itself with the object of establishing the religion of Islam in America. The ‘establishment’ of Islam was understood by its membership, as a semi-autonomous way of living in America with the Qur’an and the Sunnah (Shariah) as legitimate tools for governing the Muslim American Community. The Dar ul Islam Movement, at it’s height was directly responsible for the Islamic direction taken for twenty-one years in over 44 American cities under the leadership of one Imam, Sh. Yahya Abdul Kareem and his Amirate or administrators. In Dar ul Islam, an American Odyssey, Sh. Mahmoud Ibrahim gives some valuable insights into the inner workings of the headquarters of the ‘movement’, Yasin Mosque, and the Imam’s commitment to the Sunnah or practices of Muhammad (pboh) in an urban environment.

The Dar ul Islam Movement: An American Odyssey Revisited


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