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Dubai Books

The Arabs In The Golden Age

Product Description
Describes the period when the Arabs spread their religion, art, architecture, and great knowledge throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

The Arabs In The Golden Age


  1. We are reading this book at part of Sonlight’s Core 5, and I, the 47-year-old mother am enjoying it even more than my 12 and 14yo boys. It is an excellent peek into society, culture, religion and daily life of Arabs with a small history of Islam to boot. Very readable and not at all dry. We generally read about 1-4 pages a night and it is the perfect companion for “Shadow Spinner”.
    Rating: 5 / 5

  2. This book with delightful illustrations and clear simple prose is an excellent brief introduction to the medieval Near or Middle East–and not just for children.

    Michael L. Bates, Ph.D.

    Curator Emeritus of Islamic Coins

    The American Numismatic Society
    Rating: 5 / 5

  3. Arabs in the Golden Age is a must for any elementary school teacher who covers Medieval Times in their social science curriculum. It gives a view into Islamic Medieval times and the height of the Islamic cultural empire. It has great illustrations and appropriate reading level for grades 3-6. Please buy this book for your teacher-librarian and the students at your school!
    Rating: 4 / 5


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