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Dubai Books

Inside the Gender Jihad: Women’s Reform in Islam

Product Description
In this engaging study, Dr Amina Wadud, an Afro-American Muslim herself, introduces the feminist movement in Islam and delves into its challenges, its textual foundations in the Qur’an and its achievements. Beginning with her own place in the effort for greater justice for women in Islam, Wadud goes on tackle a number of pertinent issues, including the state of Muslim women’s studies as a discipline in mainstream academia and the role of Muslim women in the domestic space.

Inside the Gender Jihad: Women’s Reform in Islam


  1. This is a great book, it really opens my eyes to women’s issues in a religion that is obviously very liberating to women. I wanted to see what it was that was converting so many women to the religion and this book gives several answers as to why that is. I bought another one of her books because I really enjoyed this one.
    Rating: 4 / 5


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