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Historical Oath of Obama

Hundreds of thousands of people have gathered at Washington to witness the historic oath of the America first black president. Despite of cold people have gathered at the Washington Mall since early in the morning.

Obama will take oath at 12 noon according to the local time. Exception security arrangements have been made for the oath ceramony, about 40 thousand security men have been deployed.

Press have noted that a new spirit is being seen in America and people have the feeling that a new chapter is to beging after Obama takes the presidential office, however the new president has to face some severe challenges. Americal is termed as stucked in an economic crisis while the war in Iraq & Afghanistan are also on America’s head. The biggest challenge is the feeling of uncertainty due to which 100s of thousands of Americans are losing their Jobs.

The whole world has great expectations from Obama and every one is waiting to see what stand he takes on Palastine & Iran.

The oath ceramoney will be held at the American Congress bulding known as Captal Hill. President Elects wife Michele Obama went to the local Church to attent a special prayer services vice president Biden and his wife also attended the service.

The Milestones in the Black American History

1861: Begining of the civil War in America
1865: End of the Civil War
1954: Begining of Mutiny
1963: The famous speech of Martin Luthar King “I have a Dream”
1964: Bill of civil rights passed
1965: Right of vote for the Black Americans
2008: Election of Barak Hussain Obama
2009: Obama’s oath as a president of United States of America.


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