Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE


Hotels in Dubai Slash rates for DSF

DUBAI – The global economic crisis has also affected the hotel industry in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, however the a new marketing campaign for the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) is expected to turn around the current booking slowdown for hotels in Dubai. 
The Director-General of Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), Khalid Ahmed bin Sulayem, said the campaign comes in the framework of promoting the emirate on all occasions and at all events throughout the year.

The new plan calls for a special pricing structure ranging from 40 to 60 per cent discount on room rates in addition to a 25 per cent reduction in the prices of food and beverage. This drive will run from January 10 until mid-February to coincide with the DSF festival.

Several chains of hotels have already started to offer special discounts already.  Check out the latest rates at our web site’s Dubai Hotels Section. You may also contact us for details or offer for your own particular request at any hotel in Dubai


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