Dubai Travel News

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Abu Dhabi Events

Investing In Abu Dhabi

The city of Dubai is easily the most well known of the emirates for its cosmopolitan appeal and international lifestyle. Some 90 percent of its population consists of expatriates and migrant workers who have been behind its stupendous rise to fame.  But with business prospects a little shaky in Dubai in the aftermath of the global recession and the Dubai World debt repayment fiasco, many people now prefer Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, as a place to live and work. In the days of old, Abu Dhabi was a sandy dusty mass of desert land, with scanty and few residences scattered in the Bedouin wilderness. But all changed that changed after oil was discovered in 1958. The British helped Abu Dhabi’s first President ruler Sheikh Zahid Bin Sultan Al Nahyan depose his elder brother Sheikh Shahkbut in 1966 in a coup. Sheikh Zayed readily saw how the oil earnings could transform his nation into a modern paradise.

Once in position as the ruler, Sheikh Zayed worked tirelessly for the success of his vision. He invested a lot of money in turning the desert green, and it has paid off well, for he has transformed Abu Dhabi into a stunning example of a modern city. The landscape offers a spectacle of many medium to high rise buildings, now and then interspersed with impressive glass skyscrapers of every description, though it is less flamboyant than what has been done to Dubai real estate.

All in all, Abu Dhabi is a well planned city with many parks and open areas. There is also a wide beachfront available to the public. All these amenities are well maintained by the civic authorities. In addition to the robust infrastructure of the city, Abu Dhabi is famous for its cultural heritage that’s deeply rooted in Islamic traditions. Although Abu Dhabi has welcomed modernity and advancement, the local residents are proudly tenacious to their cultural and religious heritage which adds to the appeal of the city.

Abu Dhabi also has the distinction of being among the world’s richest nations. According to some sources, it has the third highest GDP per capita in the world after Norway and Luxembourg. Despite being the biggest oil producer in the emirates, it has successfully diversified its earnings by investing in the retail, tourism, industry and real estate sectors, so that the bulk of its GDP is derived from these sources.

With the interest of the expatriates and migrant workers shifting towards Abu Dhabi, it can be expected that trade, commerce, housing, dining and a lot of other activities will get a boost in this united emirate. So Dubai’s loss would be Abu Dhabi’s gain. In fact a number of businesses have already shifted to Abu Dhabi, adding to the competition in Abu Dhabi properties. There is a lot of Abu Dhabi property for sale these days, especially on the commercial side, and it is expected that the need for residential properties will also increase in time, as workers flock to this emirate.As the capital of the UAE, the city of Abu Dhabi already houses a stock exchange and financial center, many Government buildings including the Parliament and head office of the National Bank of the UAE. So there would be many job opportunities here and it is worth exploring these avenues.

Sim Whatley is a veteran opinion leader especially on the issues concerned with people wanting to live and work in Dubai. Considered as one of the most read authors in Middle East the community portal of which he is founder CEO Dubizzle provides solution of every issue from Dubai real estate to considering the right Dubai real estate, choosing the right job in Dubai and meals, to buying


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