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Arab Women Orgnization and princes Haya Condems Israels attack on Ghaza

The Arab Women Organisation (AWO) today strongly condemned the continuing Israel offensive on the Palestinian people in Gaza, which killed hundreds of women and children, left thousands injured and wrought extensive destruction on infrastructure facilities.

‘The onslaught on Gaza has terrorised secured civilians in a brazen breach of human moral values and international legitimacy,” according to a statement issued by the AWO’s supreme council today.

”As the Israeli aggression mounts, we call for an immediate implementation of the cease-fire resolution issued earlier today by the UN Security Council.We also appeal to all regional and international women organisations to show solidarity with the Palestinian people, denounce Israel’s inhumane practices and press international civil communities to shoulder their responsibilities in halting these attacks,”the statement said.

The statement also called on Arab women organisations to use their regional and international relations and influence to expose the genocide meted out by the Israeli war machine against the Palestinian women and children and extend all possible assistance to enforce steadfastness of the Palestinian people to face the siege on Gaza.

About Arab Women Orgnization:-

The AWO is an intergovernmental organization established under the umbrella of the League of Arab States and headquartered in Egypt. It emerged from the Cairo Declaration issued by the First Arab Women Summit which convened in Cairo in November 2000 in response to a call by H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, Egypt’s First Lady and which was co-organized by the National Council for Women in Egypt, Hariri Foundation in Lebanon and the League of Arab States. The agreement came into effect in March 2003.

It consists of representatives from member states specializing in women issues. Its presidency rotates annually according to the alphabetical order in force at the League of Arab States. The first President of the Council was HE Dr. Rowaida Al-Maaitah, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The second President was H.E. Nora Al Suwaidi, United Arab Emirates. The current President of the Coucil is H.E. Lulwa Saleh Al Awadi, Kingdom of Bahrain.


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