احتفالات العيد الوطني
ابوظبي في 29 نوفمبر/وام/تتواصل فعاليات وزارة الثقافة والشباب وتنمية المجتمع غدا احتفاءً بالعيد الوطني السابع والثلاثين بتوجيهات من معالي عبد الرحمن بن محمد العويس وزير الثقافة والشباب وتنمية المجتمع عبر افتتاح معرضي الفن التشكيلي “حلم فارس” ومعرض “الإمارات بعيون عربية”…
طيران الامارات نظمت رحلة خاصة امس لاجلاء أطقمها وركابها من مطار يو تافو
وكالة أنباء الإمارات – منذ 7 ساعة/ساعات واضاف المتحدث أن الشركة قامت أيضا بنقل الطواقم والركاب بالحافلات الى المطار وأن الرحلة وصلت لى مطار دبي الدولي اليوم صباحا وعلى متنها 90 من الطواقم و75 راكبا. واضاف البيان الصحفي أن طيران الامارات…
قطاع الضيافة في الشرق الأوسط قد يواجه نقصًا في الكوادر
توصل تقرير جديد إلى أن قطاع السياحة في الشرق الأوسط قد يواجه نقص حاد في كادر العمل على خلفية تضاؤل تدفق الكوادر من أسواق تقليدية مثل الهند ودول جنوب شرق آسيا. وفقاً لموقع (Hozpitality.com) الالكتروني الذي مقره دبي فأن الحاجة…
David Lloyd Plans To Make Holiday Home club in Dubai
David Lloyd, the upmarket sports club entrepreneur and former tennis player plans to bring a new holiday home club venture to Dubai. He already has a club in UK (davidloyd.co.uk) David Lloyd The was former captain of the British Davis…
Middle East flight continue to rise
IATA The International Air Transport Association has shown that Middle East region is one of the two areas where the Air traffic is rising while there is a down turn in the Air passengers globally. The region’s airlines saw a…
World New Tallest Tower Not To Be Delayed
Dubai is every developing even though the world is facing a big economic downturn. Nakheel one of the major developers in Dubai has said it will not delay the construction of its mega project Nakheel Tower previously called Al-Burj. The tower…
Hospitality Sector will grow 20%
Job opportunities in the GCC’s hospitality sector is predicted to grow at a rate of 20% over the next four years time, according to new Dubai-based hospitality networking and human resources portal Hozpitality.com . There are about 240 projects expected…
Gary V Of Philippines live in Dubai
Dubai: One of the PPhilippines’ top performers, Gary Valenciano known as “Gary V.” will energise Dubai on today November 27, by performing at the Aviation Club. Gary V. is a Filipino musician, composer, actor, producer, and gospel singer who is…
Al Ain’s Al Jahili fort to be opend on 3rd Dec
Al Ain the garden of UAE will have yet another Historical attraction to see. The Al Jahili fort, one of the oldest buildings in Al Ain will re-open on 3rd December after restoration. Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (Adach)…
UAE takes part in GCC tourism Under-Secretaries meeting
RIYADH, 11th October, 2016 (WAM) — The UAE has attended a meeting of the GCC Under-Secretaries in charge of tourism in Riyadh in preparation for the 3rd meeting of GCC tourism ministers set to be held on Wednesday. The UAE…
Hundreds attend Telugu flower festival in Dubai
Dubai: The Indian Consulate auditorium in Dubai reverberated with songs and rhythmic dance moves around floral arrangements by Telugu expatriates as part of Navratri celebrations. More than 400 Telugu-speaking expatriates attended the event on Saturday evening. It was a feast…
Jet Airways to operate wide-body aircraft on Mumbai-Dubai route
Mumbai: Private carrier Jet Airways on Friday said it will operate one of its daily flights to Dubai from here with a wide body Boeing aircraft to meet growing demand on the route, starting next month. The change in aircraft…
Dubai hotel room rates 30%
Hotel room rates in Dubai have dropped as much as 30% as the global economic downturn sees holidaymakers cut back on spending, tour operators in Dubai have noted. Aloke Dey, the manager of Dubai-based Sharaf Travel Holidays, said fourstars and…
World Mourning Nice Attack
A man places flowers to pay tribute to the victims of the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice, in front of the French embassy in Kiev, Ukraine. A French and European Union flags fly at half-mast in memory…
Terrorist crime in Nice will not deter us from fighting extremism and terror Sh: Mohammad
ABU DHABI, 15th July 2016 (WAM) — His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has reiterated that the UAE stands by with the government and…