Dubai Travel News

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Abu Dhabi Events

Abu Dhabi Judicial Department adopts latest risk management techniques

WAM Abu Dhabi, Jun 13th, 2009 (WAM): Internal Audit Division at Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) started to provide counseling services in risk management to all the bureaus, divisions and courts at ADJD following extensive meetings conducted with senior officials at the department across all sections at the judiciary and administration levels in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The division is working with a consultancy company to asses the risks and to conduct workshops to the entire ADJD workforce to disseminate the latest techniques in risk management and assessment.

Risk management works on controlling risks and reducing them though adopting a series of proven strategies and tactics.

ADJD is working on adopting world class practices in this regard.

Annual Risk Management Conference in Karachi by Emesap


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