Dubai Travel News

Travel & Tourism News of Dubai and rest of UAE

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Jumeirah Group will open hotel in Macau

The Jumeirah Group, prestigious luxury hotels developer in Dubai, has signed a management agreement with Shun Tak Holdings for a new five-star deluxe hotel in the Cotai area of Macau. The Jumeirah Macau Hotel, scheduled for completion in 2013, will…


Rain Hails and Thunder in Dubai

Dubai: Only 2 days ago Sheikh Khalifa pledged the Muslims to pray for the rain, and northern Emirates & Dubai were blesed with rain, thunderstorms, even hails on Saturday. Dubai Meteorological Office is predicting unstable weather in the coming days. Giorgio…


منافسات ” شاعر المليون ” تنطلق الخميس على مسرح شاطئ الراحة بأبوظبي

أبوظبي في 5 ديسمبر / وام / تنطلق يوم الخميس المقبل على مسرح شاطئ الراحة بأبوظبي منافسات المسابقة الشهيرة والأضخم على مستوى العالم ” شاعر المليون ” بمشاركة مائة شاعر اختارتهم لجنة تحكيم المسابقة من بين الآلاف من الذين قابلتهم…


Eid ul Adha on 8th Dec

Dubai and rest of UAE will celebrate the Eid ul Adha on 8th of December. Muslims celbrate the the great example of sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (Ibraham) & his some Ismaili (Ishael) on this day. To comomrate the scrifice people…


HH Khalifa Urges Muslims in UAE to pay for rain

ABU DHABI-The President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has urged Muslims in UAE to perform prayers for rain ‘Salaat Al Istisqaa’ next Saturday at 8am across all the country’s mosques and musallas. Shaikh Khalifa has called upon…


Dubai Awaded Leading Destination and Cruise Port

DUBAI – Dubai has been named the world’s leading destination and cruise port at this year’s World Travel Awards, at the Awards ceramony held on Tuesday night on the Caribbean island of Turks and Caicos. Dubai also won a several…


Waha Leasing Purchases AB330-200

Waha Leasing, an operating unit of Waha Capital Abu Dhabi, announced its purchase of an Airbus 330-200 and an A320-200 from AerCap Holdings, an integrated global aviation company headquartered in Amsterdam. The aircraft, both newly delivered, are subject to long-term…


UAE National Day Celebrated

Dubai and rest of UAE celebrated its 37th National Day to mark the unification of the 7 Emirates and to mark the begining of an era that was bound to progress and prosper in the guidance of His Highness late…


أدكو تحتفل بالعيد الوطني بالعرض الرقمي على المبنى الرئيس للشركة

ابوظبي في 2 ديسمبر/وام/ تزينت شركة أبوظبي للعمليات البترولية البرية /أدكو/ بحلة فريدة ضمن إحتفالاتها بالعيد الوطني الـ 37 للدولة وذلك بالعرض الرقمي على المبنى الرئيس للشركة على شارع الكورنيش. وتعرض الشركة جزءا من أرشيفها الغني بصور إمارات الدولة قديما…


Zayed: Immortal Achievements Symposium Held

Abu Dhabi, 2 Dec. 2008 The Centre of Information Affairs in Abu Dhabi has organized a symposium on topic “Zayed: Immortal Achievements”, on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the founder of the nation, late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan…


Italian White Truffle Auctioned at Emirates Palace

Abu Dhabi, 1st Dec 2008 Impressive bids, enticing entertainment and a supreme dining experience enthralled guests at the International Auction of the Italian White Truffle at Kempinski’s Emirates Palace last night. Presented simultaneously with prestigious locations in U.K, Italy and China,…


مهرجان أبوظبي البحري – فعاليات – غدا

 تحت رعاية سمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن خليفة آل نهيان رئيس نادي أبوظبي الدولي للرياضات البحرية تنطلق غدا على كاسر الأمواج بابوظبي فعاليات اليوم الثاني من مهرجان أبوظبي البحري الثاني والذي يقام بالتزامن مع العيد الوطني السابع والثلاثين للدولة ….


Over 100 drivers in first round of Emirates Desert Championship

DUBAI, 14th October, 2016 (WAM) – One hundred and eight drivers will compete in the first round of the Emirates Desert Championship (EDC), the UAE’s national Baja rally championship for cars, buggies, motorcycles and quads, the Automobile and Touring Club…

Dubai News

Al Saada The First happiness park launched in Dubai promoting excercise & entertainment

DUBAI, 20th October, 2016 A ‘happiness park’ that promotes exercise, entertainment and sustainability, was launched today in Dubai, in support of the happiness agenda of Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed…


Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai announced as key speaker at IIFMENA Conference

SHARJAH, 11th October, 2016 — Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, will be a key speaker at the second ‘Investing in the Future’, IIFMENA, conference in Sharjah. The conference,…