Dubai Travel News

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APEC Tourism Ministers to meet on Sept 22-23

Singapore, Sept. 16th, 2010 — Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Tourism Ministers will meet in Nara, Japan next week to discuss importance of achieving sustained and balanced growth in the tourism industry in Asia-Pacific region following the global financial crisis.

The 6th APEC Tourism Ministers’ Meeting to be held September 22-23 will discuss collaboration between APEC, the private sector and multilateral organizations to strengthen the industry, which is a major engine for growth in the region.

The industry was hit by the global financial crisis with households cutting back on travel plans and businesses reducing travel budgets. But long-term prospects for the industry remain strong.
Tourism and travel are expected to contribute 9.1 percent of total Gross Domestic Product in the APEC region in 2010, increasing to 9.7 percent in 2020, according to research by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).

Tourism and travel are also expected to directly and indirectly employ 117 million people in the APEC region in 2010 and increase to 159 million by 2020 – or contribute 8.2 percent of total employment in 2010, increasing to 10.2 percent in 2020, according to the WTTC.

Under the theme, “Tourism for Strategic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region,” the meeting will be chaired by Japan’s Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Seiji Maehara


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